Here's where I'll stick some examples for you to listen to, once I have permission to use them.
(Did I mention that I'm just starting to do this? In hind sight, maybe waiting to put this site up until *after* I had a few clients would have been prudent? Yeah...)
(I would stick a couple of my own songs here, except that my singing is likely to scare you off...)
...and welcome to one of the most transparent pages on the internet!
According to the Oxford Dictionary, a "wackadoo" is "an eccentric or fanatical person" - an apt moniker, since (full disclosure up front...) after doing this as a hobby for decades, I have now begun a professional training program, and am just starting to do this for hire. (And as I gain clients, I will be adding to the rather sparesly populated Portfolio you see above...)
I am so confident you'll like what you hear that I'll do your first song for free.
So go ahead. Take a flier on me. You've got nothing to lose. If you like what you hear, then hire me for your next project.
I hope to hear from you.