Helping you bring peace, love, joy, hope, and a little soul... one song at a time.

Swing, bop, straight-ahead, latin, world-beat, fusion, electronic...
Blues, Soul, R&B, Funk
Music that reaches deep inside and makes you want to move.
Gospel, Praise & Worship
Joyful and reverent music for comfort, inspiration, and congregational singing.
Un-Plugged, Acoustic, Singer-Songwriter...
The human voice. Guitar. Piano. Percussion. Natural sound.
Pop, Rock, Reggae, Alt, Americana...
Guitars, keys, bass, drums, SM58s... Let's go!
Let me prove myself to you.
As a new client, you get your first song free.
Like what you hear? Then hire me for your next one.
5 string upright bass
I love the tone on this...
Trust me, you do NOT want me singing for you...

Here's where I'll stick some examples for you to listen to, once I have permission to use them.

(Did I mention that I'm just starting to do this? In hind sight, maybe waiting to put this site up until *after* I had a few clients would have been prudent? Yeah...)

(I would stick a couple of my own songs here, except that my singing is likely to scare you off...)


...and welcome to one of the most transparent pages on the internet!

According to the Oxford Dictionary, a "wackadoo" is "an eccentric or fanatical person" - an apt moniker, since (full disclosure up front...) after doing this as a hobby for decades, I have now begun a professional training program, and am just starting to do this for hire. (And as I gain clients, I will be adding to the rather sparesly populated Portfolio you see above...)

I have two simple goals:
  1. To make your music sound as great - to feel as great - as it did in your head when you were first imagining it so that it fits right next to your favorite artists on a streaming playlist no matter where you play it - on ear buds, in the car, at church or maybe over the PA system of a Welsh football stadium.
  2. To earn your trust before I ask for your hard-earned money, because you don't know who I am, or how good a job I'm going to do for you. Yet.

I am so confident you'll like what you hear that I'll do your first song for free.

So go ahead. Take a flier on me. You've got nothing to lose. If you like what you hear, then hire me for your next project.

I hope to hear from you.

Steve Kuenzli
Portrait Of An Old Man
My ugly mug...
5 string bass
My primary instrument, when I play out...
Drop me a line...
Steve Kuenzli